
[日期:2008-03-10]  來源:http://www.szyl.org/  作者:   發(fā)表評論(0)打印



      研究所成立二十多年來,一直致力于傳統(tǒng)的園林、園藝、花卉等方面的科學(xué)研究。近年來,根據(jù)深圳市“生態(tài)園林城市”建設(shè)的需要,研究范圍拓展到城市生態(tài)環(huán)境、城市管理理論、園林行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的制定等方面,為深圳“國際花園城市”稱號的取得做出了巨大貢獻(xiàn)。據(jù)不完全統(tǒng)計,近幾年共承擔(dān)科研課題23項,其中國家科技部1項,農(nóng)業(yè)部1項,市科技局項目9項,市城管局項目12項。已經(jīng)結(jié)題和鑒定的15項,其中獲市科技進(jìn)步二等獎及三等獎共5項。 1999年代表深圳市參加99昆明世界園藝博覽會,獲得大獎1個,金獎2個,銀獎4個,銅獎6個,為廣東省和深圳市爭得了榮譽(yù)。2004年在第五屆國際園林花卉博覽會室外景點評比中,深圳市園林科學(xué)研究所承擔(dān)的“市花園”景點獲銀獎。
    Shenzhen Institute of Landscape Gardening (SILG) is a comprehensive institute, which is directly under Shenzhen Urban Administration Bureau, is made up of 4 departments including the Department of Administration, the Department of Gardening Design, the Department of Scientific Research and the Department of Outcome Promotion. The total number of the staff is 40, including 3 vice researchers, 3 senior engineers and 10 engineers, we also have 1 doctor, 2 doctors in studying, 5 masters and 15 bachelors.
     At present, the Institute has a comprehensive building about 3000m2, a specimen garden nearly 22000m2 and an experimental nursery 40000m2.
     Had been founded for over twenty years, the Institute strives to research on the traditional gardening, horticulture and flowers. In recent years, according to the principle of “Eco-garden City” required by Shenzhen Government, the institute has broadened its research range to the areas such as the urban environment, the city management, the industry standard making of the garden and so on. All these improvements made great contributions to the project that helping Shenzhen to be awarded the title “The International Garden City”. At present, the major research orientations of institute are: Plant and urban environment, Flower introducing and cultivating, Insect pest prevention and cure, Urban soil and substrate, Scenic design and plant choosing, etc.
     By roughly calculated, the total number of the research tasks of the institute is 23, including 1 task from the Ministry of Science and Technology, 1 task from the Ministry of Agriculture, 9 tasks from the Shenzhen Bureau of Science technology and Information, and 12 tasks from the Shenzhen Urban Administration Bureau. The institute had completed 15 tasks already, and five of them had been awarded Second and Third Prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress award. In 1999, On behalf of Shenzhen City, Institute took part in the “EXPO ’99”, and it won a special prize, 2 gold cups, 4 silver cups and 6 copper cups. In the fifth International Garden & Flower Exposition 2004, the “Urban Garden” which designed by the institute was awarded the silver prize.
編輯:candy | 閱讀:
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