

2020-07-15 14:33:56         來源:中國風景園林網     瀏覽次數(shù):


任雪冰 李曉丹







Coupling Ecosystem Services and Ecological Restoration Theory of  Coal Mines Wasteland in view of Territorial space

Xuebing REN,Xiaodan LI


As of 2018, there are 98834 abandoned mines in the country, and the damaged land area of abandoned mines is about 630,000 hectares, of which coal mines wasteland accounts for about 60%. In view of the great impact of coal mining on the ecological environment, the ecological system has been seriously damaged in quantity and quality, and the ecological security of territorial space has received a significant threat, the ecological restoration of coal mines wasteland is imminent.

The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) raised to the height of national strategy on the land and space use control and ecological restoration , and stressed that the two aspects are interdependent and inseparable. Based on the early theory and practice of coal mines wasteland restoration, we can find that the theoretical cognition of ecological restoration of coal mine wasteland is still deficient in the whole work flow and logical framework. Ecological restoration of coal mines wasteland is an important part of land and space ecological restoration, it is necessary to consider the particularity of ecological restoration of coal mines wasteland. This process is not only the improvement of ecosystem quality, but also the guidance of social-ecological coordinated development under the strategic framework of ecological civilization. That means transforming the social and economic growth relying on the carrying capacity of resources into the coordinated and sustainable development of people and land to strengthen  Ecological resilience.

Therefore, according to the feedback mechanism formed by ecological service flow between human society and ecosystem, this paper explains the theoretical research framework of ecological restoration of coal mines wasteland from four aspects: basic connotation, restoration target, research scale and restoration mode, based on the link frame of "factor-pattern-process-service" and spatial coupling relationship. From the perspective of regional ecosystem services, on the basis of the in-depth elucidation of the internal relationship between ecosystem services and social and economic development, this framework takes the construction of regional ecological security pattern as the main body to form a theoretical framework of logical cognition to planning methods for ecological restoration of coal mines wasteland, and consummates the ecological restoration theory of coal mines wasteland with single goal as the core. This provides scientific support for the  ecological restoration of territorial space from regional autonomous governance to global space design in the new period.

Xuebing Ren, Ph.D., China University of Mining and Technology -Beijing; Lecturer, North China  University of Technology;

Xiaodan Li, Professor, China University of Mining and Technology -Beijing, Ph. D. supervisor.

















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